Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Are you really unique?

There are infinite things of interests and traits in this world.
You will find millions who have the same traits/interests as you.
You pick anything. Any part of you, and there are sooooo many people who have the same trait.
So are you unique?
What makes you unique?

The combination!
The combination of these traits, these hobbies, these elements of you is unique. That's what you are. A unique mix of everything that is there!

Monday, July 26, 2021

Rosy paths and overthinking

Your path is really rosy right now, don't start digging and creating graves when there aren't none....

Friday, July 16, 2021

Talking to you

I want to talk to the person I thought you were 
I want to talk to the person you could have been

But I don't wantto talk to the person you are!

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Is God Bored ?

For a minute,  imagine being god. Imagine that you know what will happen and how it will happen. Realise you know what has happened in the past. Every minute detail, every effect, every reaction. Everything!
Feels good right? Of course it does! When from every ant to elephant are your puppets, it should feel good... 
Now take a step back....
Think what will you do next? Everything that needs to be done is already done.. Everything that should be achieved is already achieved. 
It doesn't feel good any longer, right?

This I believe is the paradox of being the god. If you know everything, there isn't anything else to know. So it just becomes simply boring. So what will you do?

Maybe you will set major events and let others play out the way they should. Maybe let chance, let randomness handle the rest. 

Now if god doesn't plan everything, should you? Just plan the major goals and enjoy the rest of randomness that life has to offer!