Monday, April 17, 2023

Health Lessons from De-Addicition programs

Let me start by saying this is no way to dilute the menace of addiction or quick overview of de-addiction program. Rather this post tries to draw lessons from de-addiction programs and help in getting back to health journey. Let's jump right in

Taking one day at a time

 There are some days which you feel energetic and then there are some where you feel you are slogging and demotivated. That's our first lesson right there. Just do the right this for today. Its okay. You will feel better tomorrow.

Don't get tempted

There are just too many things so commonly available that will get you tempted. Just remember processed foods like sugar are the demon worth fighting against. If its getting too difficult to control, remove yourself from the position

Celebrate often but with the right rewards

An alcoholic, trying to leave alcohol, doesn't celebrate 1 month win by drinking. No! what they do is acknowledge and celebrate in non-alcoholic way. Similarly, when you loose weight, you shouldn't have a food party. Instead reward yourself in non-food related manner. For example buy your self that gadget you really wanted from long time, or take some time off and relax at the beach!.

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Are you really unique?

There are infinite things of interests and traits in this world.
You will find millions who have the same traits/interests as you.
You pick anything. Any part of you, and there are sooooo many people who have the same trait.
So are you unique?
What makes you unique?

The combination!
The combination of these traits, these hobbies, these elements of you is unique. That's what you are. A unique mix of everything that is there!

Monday, July 26, 2021

Rosy paths and overthinking

Your path is really rosy right now, don't start digging and creating graves when there aren't none....

Friday, July 16, 2021

Talking to you

I want to talk to the person I thought you were 
I want to talk to the person you could have been

But I don't wantto talk to the person you are!

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Is God Bored ?

For a minute,  imagine being god. Imagine that you know what will happen and how it will happen. Realise you know what has happened in the past. Every minute detail, every effect, every reaction. Everything!
Feels good right? Of course it does! When from every ant to elephant are your puppets, it should feel good... 
Now take a step back....
Think what will you do next? Everything that needs to be done is already done.. Everything that should be achieved is already achieved. 
It doesn't feel good any longer, right?

This I believe is the paradox of being the god. If you know everything, there isn't anything else to know. So it just becomes simply boring. So what will you do?

Maybe you will set major events and let others play out the way they should. Maybe let chance, let randomness handle the rest. 

Now if god doesn't plan everything, should you? Just plan the major goals and enjoy the rest of randomness that life has to offer!

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Same Page

We are finally on the same page; sadly its the last one.

Sunday, April 18, 2021


Scene : First Date
There are two types of people. 
You see....we experience are lot of moments in life. Life changing moments. Sometimes you know the moments are big. You just feel that they are "life changing". Sometimes for good. Sometimes for bad. And a lot of moments are maybe moments. These moments may change your life, these may not. 
People react to these moments differently; some consider each one to be positive; some negative. 
What we are experiencing here in is a maybe moment.
So I guess, what I am trying to ask is which one are you? And how do we, together as one, will deal with them? experience them?

Monday, February 10, 2020

I have got really good sense of direction but I still got lost in life.

Monday, May 20, 2019

There are only so many things in life I can afford to be afraid of.

Monday, November 19, 2018

Staying Alive

Breathing is not enough, you need to make efforts to feel alive

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Feeling Special

Sometimes night sky is so beautiful, you almost believe nothing more but a painting. This thought itself feels so soothing. This thought provides us the bedrock of belief that we hold importance, that we are not inconsequential to the whole scheme of universe, just because some one has found us important enough to be part of something so beautiful, something of importance, making each one of feel special. It's funny how something basic to our existence, something taken for granted, something shared by us all provides us the feeling of being special, feeling of importance. If that something is not beautiful, I don't know what is.

Sunday, April 22, 2018


Words don't mean anything if you don't want them to.

Friday, January 26, 2018

Being Adult

The worst thing about being adult is that none forces you to try new things.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Monday, January 1, 2018

Everyone wants something out of relationship, but the best relationships are those where you do not count the favours

Monday, November 20, 2017


The one, who is intelligent enough to be dumb, is the happiest

Sunday, October 1, 2017


I didn't lower my standards because I am desperate for sex. It's because I was getting so desperate for my magical love story to begin that I am willing to try anyone.

Saturday, July 15, 2017


Don't make bets which you would regret winning.

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Life and fight

What is there to win for when you are about to lose it all,
What is there to fight for when death is all you seek for.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015


A new mask everyday
A new face for world
I hide behind it's shadow
Feeling the weight of the words
Seeking the light guiding my dark way.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Life and Death

I don't want to live when I die, I want to die when I live.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Just because I smile doesn't mean I am happy

Smiling/laughing /crying are like weather. They are short term and are usually snapshot of what you are feeling. Sometimes they may even be opposite of what you are feeling. Similarly feeling happy/sad is comparatively long term and are like climate. It does not change as soon as weather but it does change.

Monday, July 21, 2014

King Of The Jungle

The king of the jungle needs saving
for they have no companion in these times.

Don’t trust the numbers
for even those in dense forests are not safe
trying to survive by an inch of life.
Illusions are their songs
with nothing else to live by.

What are they king of?
What do they rule?
They fear the hunters and poachers
And so once wild,
Now fears the wild.

Don’t trust the movies
they don’t tell the truth.
Money is now something essential
even more important than food
for security can now only be bought
and money is the only thing they sought.

What are they afraid of?
Once their enemy darkness
is now seems the only time they truly live.
Hope is something they live by.
A hope to live someday
A hope to live like the king of the jungle.